Sunday, January 24, 2016

Water, water everywhere (contd.)

At least, discussion of the Flint water crisis is (finally, about a year after the fact) everywhere. New York Times Editorials, The Guardian, late night TV commentary:
Hillary's talking about it:
Even Ted Cruz is helping out - with a catch. Oh, and of course there's Cher.
Most relevantly to us, the National Guard is coming door-to-door: we've had TWO visits from camo-clad military types, politely bearing 24 packs of bottled water (yes please!) and water filters (too late).


Unknown said...

Truly shocking - with no end in sight.


Unknown said...

There is an end in sight--far, far off. People in the know estimate repairs will cost 1.6 billion (!) and will take 15 years to set up. (This entails replacing the entire water system in the city--though, to be clear, only the main arteries, not the smaller feeds to individual houses or businesses. Those are trashed. In the meanwhile, we continue to rely on the generosity of rock and movie stars and parents are told to bath their babies in nothing but bottled water! As to whether or not to have children, the bottom line is that it is best to not be pregnant right now...First world problems, right?

Unknown said...

I would say "unbelievable". However it is so. Breathtaking and the U.K. Is going that way too. S--t!
