Sunday, September 27, 2015

Water, water everywhere

As has been reported here, just over a year ago, Flint switched its water supply from Detroit (who were charging an arm and a leg, partly to get $$$ to pay for their own bankruptcy) to getting it from the Flint river.  (The long-term plan is to have a new pipeline and get it from Lake Huron, but (a) that has to wait for the pipeline, and (b) you don't care.)  This made the water taste disgusting, so sales of bottled water have skyrocketed.  To add insult to injury, our water bills are also among the very highest in the country.  Now it turns out that the water's poisonous.  Ah yes, we did indeed choose well by living in Flint.  Long story short, we decided to get a new super-duper water filter system.
This involved some destruction in the basement.
And strange giant black tubs.  And bags of strange stuff.
And these extra filters to make water that is not only lead-free but actually potable, and the pipe leading from these goes up to...
a special new tap on the kitchen sink.  Modern life, eh?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Goodness. It's a complicated life in Flint. Good job you have a basement - though it must be getting crowded down there.