Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Homemade things

I have tried to make homemade yogurt before and it never worked. I think our kitchen is simply way too cold in winter, and way too some other sort of problem at all other times. I saw this little gadget on line and all the reviewers swore up and down that it was foolproof. So, given that little pots of Greek yogurt are between $1.50 and $2.50 each these days (and given that Simon, Thomas, Jimmy and I were eating 10 or more total a day) we needed to find another solution. So I sent off for this and gave it a try. It comes with 7 very cute little jars. I ordered a set of 10 yogurt starter sachets but (again, going by the immensely satisfied customers) once you have made one batch, you can use one of the yogurts to make the next--and so on and so forth to create the eternal yogurt. Next to one of the jars is a small jar of homemade pear preserves. Emily and Frederick went for a long walk last week and found a pear tree loaded with fruit. Apparently Frederick insisted that they pick all that they could possibly carry. The obvious solution was pear preserves which, it turns out, tastes really good when added to the yogurt.

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