Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hat regained

 Seven Lakes park in the early Autumn.  You can't beat it.  (If you live in Flint, that is.)
 Off we trot
 ...over rustic stick paths
 ...winding through woods, until
 what's this?  Lord of the Flies?  No - it's just a hat.  A hat that was last seen two posts back being used to smuggle turtles.  (And 20 odd years before that, to keep Granny cool while gardening in Chapel Leigh.)  I must have dropped it last time and some kind hiker made it obvious for this time.
 DEFINITELY not Lord of the Flies.  A nest of spiders, in fact.  Sorry gang, you get dumped out - I want my hat back.
 And on with the trot.
 Scenic lakes.  (As you can see, I went crazy with my fave camera filter again.  Looks good small, not so good embiggened.)
 A long walk off a short pier.
 Or not.
And so to the car, and back home.


Unknown said...

That hat is a determined survivor!


The Cushanderingsons said...

Especially as it's been stretched for my massive bonce.