Saturday, June 13, 2015

Thomas goes solo

The dreaded day finally arrived, Thomas's junior solo recital. Not only did he have to play all the music, he had to set up and put away all the instruments. It was a helluva palaver.  (Click on the program so you can read Thomas's bio, written by himself.)

This first piece was the number he played in the recital a few weeks ago.
Here is the marimba number. I can't believe he was able to manage this from memory.
Thomas learned this most recently, hence the use of the music.

This is the final number, a jaunty rag.
Next year will be Thomas's senior recital which, I believe, requires a full hour of material. Thomas has already started getting ready for it.


Unknown said...

So glad it was such triumphant performance. I loved the marimba bit and was impressed by the drame of the drums.. The two sections in the middle wouldn't play. Google told me to try again in 30 minutes but I'm going to bed now. Looked like an hour next year will be no problem.


Jeremy Cushing said...
