Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Last HPQ recital of the season

This is the last Honors Percussion Quartet event for this year. Thomas is already feeling nostalgic about next year since it is his final year with the group. Here is a toe tapper:
It really is amazing what they accomplish since they only meet for about an hour a week from mid-November through May.
An added complication is, of course, the fact that they don't have most of these instruments at home to practice on.
This was a nice complicated piece.
Here is a crowd pleaser. As many pointed out during the reception, last year featured four 5 gallon paint buckets. What will next year hold in store? Only time will tell.
That's all folks. And now time to clean up the stage and have some cookies and punch in the foyer.


Unknown said...

Wow! That's style.


Unknown said...

Meanwhile, what was the fire in Flint?
