Monday, June 22, 2015

First Lake Swim of the Summer!

It hasn't really been warm enough for lake swimming yet before now, but this Sunday it finally was, so off we went:

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Make way for goslings

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Thomas goes solo

The dreaded day finally arrived, Thomas's junior solo recital. Not only did he have to play all the music, he had to set up and put away all the instruments. It was a helluva palaver.  (Click on the program so you can read Thomas's bio, written by himself.)

This first piece was the number he played in the recital a few weeks ago.
Here is the marimba number. I can't believe he was able to manage this from memory.
Thomas learned this most recently, hence the use of the music.

This is the final number, a jaunty rag.
Next year will be Thomas's senior recital which, I believe, requires a full hour of material. Thomas has already started getting ready for it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Last HPQ recital of the season

This is the last Honors Percussion Quartet event for this year. Thomas is already feeling nostalgic about next year since it is his final year with the group. Here is a toe tapper:
It really is amazing what they accomplish since they only meet for about an hour a week from mid-November through May.
An added complication is, of course, the fact that they don't have most of these instruments at home to practice on.
This was a nice complicated piece.
Here is a crowd pleaser. As many pointed out during the reception, last year featured four 5 gallon paint buckets. What will next year hold in store? Only time will tell.
That's all folks. And now time to clean up the stage and have some cookies and punch in the foyer.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Flames over Flint (again!)

So, this happened.  It's a bit annoying, because we're supposed to be picking up Jimmy at the train station later today and nobody can get to it!

Summery trots here and there

Sylvester would love to be outside sunning himself but (a) he's scared of the ducks and (b) he's too naughty.
Sun dappled.  My favourite kind of dappling.
Yeah, Juan, man up.
Jesus knows where the anal butter is.
Can't really remember where this is.  Somewhere in Oakland county, dawdling on the way to pick up Thomas one day.
It was a sultry day.

The turtles enjoyed it, though.  I always wonder how they clamber up there.
A few days ago F. and I were at For Mar when a train of about 10 golf carts (I'm not exaggerating) groaning under the weight of be-suited 60+ year-olds trundled by and disappeared into the woods.  We saw them later being given a speech, so one assumes they're possible donors.  Surreal.
This was today - Blue Bell beach and then across the reservoir in two different directions.  The first one is the steam-powered sawmill at Huckleberry Junction and the other is the giant fish over by Stepping Stone Falls.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Recital Season 2015

This is the start of recital season.  Last night was the recital for all percussion students: each one played a single piece, and they were listed from the youngest students (both in age and start date) to the oldest students (most experienced and/or closest to being a senior ready to graduate.  Thomas was second to last.  He'll be the most senior senior student next year.

Next week on Monday will be Thomas's Honors Percussion Quartet recital which will be an hour so so long with the four most senior percussion students doing pieces together.  And next Wednesday is Thomas's solo recital, where he is the ONLY PERFORMER.  I get a bit queasy just thinking about it. It's been a long time since Thomas started taking percussion lessons.  I can't imagine what we are going to do with all our spare time once we don't have to take him to lessons, rehearsals, concerts and recitals. Thomas mused on the way home from school last week, "I don't know what Rob is going to do once I leave after next year." I am sure he will think of something.