Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Thomas's trip to Bore-Onto

Last summer the plan was for Thomas's wind ensemble to go to LA. However, with one thing and another, the trip costs began increasing and it just became ridiculous. So, instead they headed off for Toronto Canada at about 1/4 the cost. Because of the change, though, the FIM had to get recommitments from the kids--"You agreed to go to LA, but we aren't going to LA now but Toronto--are you going or not?" Thomas (of course) procrastinated (much in the same way he is procrastinating getting two letters of reference and copies of his music for the judges for his ensemble auditions which are TOMORROW!!) and the FIM called one Saturday morning to find out what his deal was. This was about 9 am and I went up to his room to shake him awake just long enough to get an answer out of him: Me: "Thomas....Thomas....THOMAS!!!!" Thomas grunts: "Whuh?" Me: "Do you want to go to Toronto or not?" Thomas: "More like Bore-onto." I took that as a "yes" and the name has stuck.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amazing looking place, whatever it is, wherever it is.
