Sunday, May 24, 2015

NOW it's summer!

Normally we set up the pool on May 9th, both as a celebration of Frederick's birthday and his love of swimming, but as the official start of summer. But this summer has been SO COLD (last week we have several nights in the mid-30s and we were back to lighting fires to keep warm) so the pool just did not get done. This week, it is going to be in the 80s and hot and steamy and a certain somebody looked rather sad this morning while swinging in the hammock, staring at the pool-less circle of sand in our backyard. Once Simon brought the pool out into the backyard to be inflated, Frederick knew just what to do: he bolted into the house, got on his suit, and stood in the pool waiting for it to fill. The pool is about half full now but it is bedtime so we have shut off the hose. Tomorrow we will continue and it will probably be full enough (though rather too brisk for my comfort) for a good dip.


Unknown said...

SOoooo bracing!


Jeremy Cushing said...

OUR pool is nearly up to 25 degrees. And thanks to all for lovely birthday card ...