Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Snow Keeps Coming

After months of a snowless winter, we are now being treated to a new 1-3" layer of snow every couple of days. Thomas lost two days of school this week. (He didn't seem to mind. In fact, he was certain Wednesday would be a snow day as well and stayed up the night before until 4 am or so. Was HE disappointed when Simon tried to shake him out of bed less than 3 hours later. Did he learn his lesson? I doubt it.) And it seems likely that there will be more lost days early next week.

Frederick works his gluts and abs by climbing up hillsides in deep drifts of snow.

Imagine sitting up to your hips in ice cream. That's what Frederick experiences when scooping up handfuls of deep, clean, fresh new snow.

I haven't able to find my sunglasses for a few weeks now. I now see where they got to.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That boy has incredible tolerance for cold. Maybe he'll grow up to be an arctic explorer.
