Sunday, February 1, 2015

First Proper Snow Day

The snow is coming down steadily, so that means a walk to my office makes perfect sense! Here we are, setting out, wrapped up warm:
Mott campus is about half way between us and the university. Would we make it all the way?
Almost there and Frederick wondered what would happen if he dropped his gloves off the bridge over the 475 Freeway.  This, is the answer:
Back at home and the wood on the porch is getting snowed under.  Unfortunately it doesn't affect us because our chimney is BLOCKED and NOBODY WILL COME AND UNBLOCK IT.  At least before Feb. 11th.  I'm having serious fire withdrawal.
The ducks, however, are quite happy, as the vent for our central heating comes out next to their little straw-bale fort and keeps them snug. So the more we have to run it, the happier they are.
Both the university and Thomas's school have already announced they're closed tomorrow. A sledding day, I think.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you had happy sledding.
