Sunday, August 17, 2014

Thomas is 16 today!

We forgot that yesterday was our 20th anniversary! Apparently that's "china". But fortunately, we remembered that today is Thomas's 16th! He got an empty bag.We could only take pictures if he didn't know that is what we were doing.A plastic mug because tea filled cups tend to get tossed by the wayside when he is being pulled out of the depths of sleep.Thomas begrudingly snaps lego bricks onto his new lego mug.Thomas spent much of his birthday fretting about an essay paper (1000 words!!!) hanging over him. Of course, he's known about the paper for weeks but it was only the day before it was due that the impact of it hit him full force. About 11 last night he asked what time he would be getting home from his FIM and then driving school obligations. 7 pm, I told him. Whew! He whistled happily--five whole hours between 7 pm and midnight, when the paper is due--more then enough time to whip out a mere 1000 words! With that burden lifted, Thomas set about to the serious business of playing a computer game well into the wee hours. (We'll see how he feels tonight at 7 when staring at a blank page on his computer after a full day of school, a bassoon lesson, 2 hours of driver's ed, all after having gotten up this morning 10 hours before his usual time.)


Unknown said...

Living dangerously!


XYoshiAipomX said...

WTF is with that first picture it sucks and I demand that it is removed immediately.