Monday, August 18, 2014

Rollerskating Update

We have been sticking to our plan of rollerskating at Davison Park one or two times a week and Frederick is, as I predicted a few weeks ago, noticeably better than when we started this earlier this summer. Now he deigns to hold my hand only occasionally and whips along as fast as he can pump his feet. I still trot alongside him (so I am always quite relieved when, after 30 or so minutes, he announces that it is time to go home) because there are random chunks of cement, glass shards and clods of mud (today a LOT of dried mud and sunflower seed hulls) scattered about that cause his wheels to lock for a split second which throws him off balance. Though that, too, is becoming less and less of a problem as he gets better at both noticing what is coming up on the path in front of him and steering his feet to avoid it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looking more confident - relaxed even.
