Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday doings

It's been a strange week, weather-wise. It got up to 90 (degrees F, of course, not those Napoleonic degrees) earlier, and then last night there was a frost warning. Today was bright but chilly, which kept the mosquitoes subdued in our For-Mar trek. Thomas, meanwhile, actually got up not just before the crack of noon, but before 9 AM so that he could go and do his new job which is helping his percussion teacher Rob herd tinies at the FIM for three hours. He's done this before and is apparently surprisingly good with them, and this time he gets paid! This, he felt, entitled him to spend the rest of the day on our computer in our room, because his laptop is in for repairs. However, parents would insist in actually coming into the room they like to call "theirs" at which point they might SEE HIS SCREEN, so he devised the following solution:

In other news, Zachary Quack had apparently given up laying for the past week, which was okay, because her output was more than we could handle, but today I wandered over by the compost heap and found her sitting on THIS:

Sadly, we had to nip this in the bud. The last thing I want is more foul fowl be-fouling our yard.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sometimes you wonder if your home is your own...
