Saturday, May 4, 2013

Long Time, No See

After Ava was born last September, Frederick briefly visited Emily once to see the baby. But since then, he and Emily haven't seen each other. Last night, Emily called to set up a short meeting today at her mom's house, one of Frederick's favorite places. Not having seen her in over seven months, Frederick was clearly over the moon: With his birthday coming up, Frederick wanted to be sure that Emily came to his party (he has been spending a LOT of time lately looking over pictures of past birthday parties and noticed that Emily was ALWAYS there). So, first thing this morning after getting out of bed, he wrote up a Birthday Party invitation for Emily. Here he presents her with it, and reads it to her to make sure she understands exactly what it says.


Unknown said...



Unknown said...

and I love it that you keep blogging, when I seem to be one of the only people who acknowledge how great it is.


The Cushanderingsons said...

I think other people are just self-conscious. And, while we always appreciate your comments, we would blog if nobody else read it, because it's our replacement for photo albums, and we revisit it when we need to remember when something happened.