Saturday, February 9, 2013

Into the Deep, Deep Snowy Woods

Today, though cold, was a clear beautiful day. So after stocking up on duck food at Tractor Supply in Fenton, (the two ducks have been eating a LOT to get through the nippy days--especially Zachary who chose a rather unwise time to molt a few weeks ago) Simon and Frederick stopped off at Seven Lakes for a quick trot about. Some people obviously prefer skiing these parts, but Frederick prefers walking, quickly. (That is, until he decides to drop to the ground and eat snow.)
Certain Grannies will recognize a certain double knit cap Frederick is wearing. Frederick's usual winter hat was STOLEN from him about two weeks ago by a schoolmate. He decided that he liked THIS hat an awful lot, and took it one day and has been wearing it every day since. I am surprised that it does not cause itching, because he will NEVER wear sweaters and up to last year, would not wear a wool hat without a fleece liner. But, well, there you go. Perhaps the fact that it was Thomas's hat made all the difference but the fact is: he had to have THIS HAT. And he wears it enthusiastically.
And it looks good on him, too. Here he is, looking pleased with himself.
More logs to balance on, just like at For Mar.
Time to head home.