Saturday, February 9, 2013

Big Words

Frederick is enjoying school well enough, some subjects he enjoys a LOT and others not so much. Math is satisfying enough and, surprisingly, he doesn't mind creative writing which requires him to write short stories and read them to his classmates. He does not enjoy reading books to his teacher and then answering comprehension questions, because this can get frustrating at times. But his absolute favorite subject is spelling. He LOVES to learn new words and to write out sentences using those new words. The longer the word, the more he loves to learn and use it, over and over again. Last week they got a bunch of grammar words as spelling words, one of which was "interrogative" and he was joyfully using that word during the next several days. We have several sets of scrabble and various versions of scrabble. We dumped all the letters into a giant plastic tub and Frederick spends lots of his time, rustling through the bucket, seeking out letters to make words to spell.
We found this spelled out today, one of the better non-dinosaur (but dinosaur looking) creatures.
It seems we are short a "c" and someone had to get creative.