Monday, December 3, 2012

Out Of Season (Fredericks in the mist)

JacQue was sick (for the first time) today, and Jami had to teach, so I was stuck with juggling both kids. Predictably, Frederick and I went to parks. It was amazingly foggy today. The first place we went to was Pontiac Lake. Observe:
Then we showed up to pick Thomas up from school and he announced he had to "rehearse" "a skit" for "about half an hour", so F. and I popped round the corner to the nearest state park, which was if anything even eerier:
Spot the duck, apparently floating in mid-air:


Unknown said...

Brrr! Looks VERY cold...


The Cushanderingsons said...

Actually, it really wasn't. Like being in warm cotton wool.