Thursday, December 27, 2012

First Decent Snow

And the ducks are not happy about it. Where are the foot warmers they asked for for Christmas, hmmm?
Simon and Frederick headed out to go sledding. It started snowing yesterday evening so I told Frederick last night as I tucked him in bed that today would be a "big sledding day"--which was a mistake as he lay in bed, giggling, for several hours and was up, wide awake, long before the sun was.
Here he puts in the hard work.
After about an hour, Frederick decides that climbing up hills isn't such fun after all and lying down is much more fun.
Now what should we do?
Ah, yes, tree climbing--an all time favorite.
Here is a good vantage point.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks beautiful. Lovely snow. We have rain and a rich parcel from Michigan. Magnificat playing magnificently now.