Monday, November 12, 2012

Last Blast of Halloween

This past weekend it was strangely warm and sunny, yet another "last blast of Autumn." (We have had three or four of these, separated by bitter cold windy, rainy weather.) Frederick donned his Halloween outfit one last time and traipsed about in the backyard.
We didn't really get a good picture of him in his outfit before, when Greg took him to Huckleberry Railroad or when he dressed up at school so I wanted to get a good picture of him as the complete stegosaurus.
The stegosaurus eyes the photographer warily, suspicious of her motives.
The temperatures dropped from the balmy 60s we enjoyed this weekend to the below freezing temperatures today. Thomas had to load the wood rack and claimed to suffer frostbite as a result. And as I drove Thomas home from his wind ensemble rehearsal this evening there were snow flurries blowing about. I do not expect to see any more stegosauruses traipsing about in our backyard.

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