Thursday, November 8, 2012

Election Day

Granny discovered a taste for greasy diner food ("it's the way they do the eggs!") so I took her to my favourite in Flint, the Starlite Diner at Center and Genessee. It was packed! It must have been a post-voting hangout, as everyone had an "I voted!" sticker. We got a table after a little wait and then I noticed the following dilapidated van pull up. Obviously a big Debbie Stabenow (one of Michigan's two US Senators and all-round good egg) booster, I thought:
But no, it turned out to be Debbie herself! That's her in the purple top over Granny's left shoulder.
She came and shook our hands and we told her England stood behind her even if we couldn't vote. I expressed a wish that Nate Silver was right, and she agreed. (Turns out he was.)