Saturday, January 14, 2012

First sledding of the season

It has been unseasonably warm up to this point, with just a light snowfall that quickly melted and mild temperatures in the 40s. (Sidebar: I do talk a lot about the weather, don't I? I think there are two main reasons for that: (a) I'm getting old, and wrinklies do nothing but witter endlessly about the weather, (b) my mood correlates completely with what the weather is doing, so it is even more fascinating.) Well, this week I stocked up with wood just in time for the cold snap, and it arrived, bringing with it a mild snowfall. Cue the sledding! Going down:

And coming up again:

Some other sledders were going down with their dogs, one of which crapped just to the side of the slope. This caused me some anxiety, as our sleds tend to veer. Some people.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fun despite the poo.
