Friday, November 4, 2011

Jami's little car gets picked on

Jami had surgery today (of a nature such that I will leave it to her to describe should she wish, but that might make the faint of heart go pale and have to sit down) and had to go to the hospital very early in the morning. I arrived a few hours later (got to get my beauty sleep, y'know) and after she emerged kicking and screaming from anesthesia (yes, that's the American spelling, but Blogger has an American spell check) I took her home in my car. Joanne agreed to drive Jami's car home for us, but when we got there, we found this:

At that point I felt a bit bad at having teased Jami that I'd run into her car coming in to pick her up. (My theory at the time was that you're supposed to scream to get the anesthetic out of your lungs.) Joanne volunteered to go inside and make trouble, and about an hour later she returned the car, with very little evidence of any harm, after having recruited burly men to help her move it. I feel sorry for the owner of that Buick Rendezvous (and not just because they're the owner of a Buick Rendezvous). For all we know they were so weak from loss of blood it's amazing they got even half into an empty spot...


Unknown said...

That Buick looks a brute. I don't feel a bit sorry for it's owner. There's a reason why Americans are allowed to own guns.


Jami Anderson said...

As Simon's grandmother always told him (or, so he tells me), he'd feel sorry for the skin on a rice pudding. If that car driver had a bullet wound in his head, he would have pulled into the ER drive, which is on the other side of the hospital. This was the visitor parking lot so there was no need to act like a lunatic. And wouldn't any sane person who just drove into a car while pulling into a parking space REARRANGE THEIR CAR rather than just leave it that way?!? My mom did more than find hospital security/valet parkers to assist her in moving my car, they also tracked down the owner of the car, got the owner's insurance information (and, no, he wasn't suffering from any dramatic wounds), and the hospital wrote up a property damage claim against the car owner since it happened on hospital property. They also made sure he was painfully aware of the spectacle taking place in the parking lot as dozens of passerbys watched and photographed the event to blog it ("Jackass at Hurley Hospital") while the valet parkers negotiated my car out of the spot.

Unknown said...

Oh good!


Unknown said...

I forgot to mention that he gets it from his father....
