Saturday, July 2, 2011


Simon and Thomas went to the airport to pick up Grandpa. He seemed overwhelmed, and slightly alarmed, by all the Americans waving American flags.

Frederick was in the swimming pool when they arrived home.
It didn't take Frederick long to convince him to get in, too. We were all just glad he was wearing a swimsuit.
Frederick gets ready for serious "Gonna get yous." The exercise must have been good for both of them as they both slept in very late today (indeed Grandpa is still asleep as I write this--Simon went to check earlier to make sure he was, in fact, breathing).


Unknown said...

Goodness! He's still awake.

Is he on-line yet?


The Cushanderingsons said...

Trying to get access for his Mac. I'm sure you'll be the first to know when he is...