Thursday, July 21, 2011

Goodbye Grandpa!

A last evening with the whole gang (Jimmy too) watching Monty Python...

Then, today, a walk at Seven Lakes park in blistering heat (triple digits!) (we jumped in the beach lake afterwards)...

Then off went Grandpa to wing his way home. Currently he is probably in the airport at Detroit. Meanwhile, traces remain:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Trip to the Zoo

Thomas had a sudden sense that we hadn't done the kind of things we usually do with Jimmy this year, so we had to try to make up ground in the remaining two days. So, never mind the oppressive heat, it's off to Potter Park Zoo in Lansing!

This was a new exhibit to me: Australian Budgies by the score - and you get to walk through the room with them:

Who has the more impressive mane?

Jimmy as a joey:

Simon's Birthday Bounty

Before the great unwrapping:

Frederick helped a LOT with the unwrapping... Talking of Frederick, he made this:

Jami helped with the glueing, but all the colour-selection and placement was Frederick. Meanwhile Thomas made this:

In the background is the original Zachary Quack (of Hairy Maclairy fame), while my favourite Pokemon Psyduck is being assaulted by Pretzel, an actual duck. A masterpiece!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Detroit Science Center

Friday was a day of Edutainment:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Finally - their new home!

Fun with Pretzel

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Now a snazzy roof

Thomas the Duck Whisperer

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Further developments

First, a cool Summer door, so their feathers can ruffle in the breeze and not stifle in the heat.

Next, proper roofing, so the ducks only get wet on their own terms:

Finally, a stylish copper top, perhaps to conduct lightning?

Put it all together, and:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Duck House takes shape

Fueled only by a constant stream of icecream and/or beer, this duck-house creator is indefatigable!

Big enough for the largest biped, feathered or otherwise.

Installed in place. Still needs something on that roof, though. And is that door suitable for the Summer months, Jami wonders?

Frederick and Grandpa like to splash

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Simon and Thomas went to the airport to pick up Grandpa. He seemed overwhelmed, and slightly alarmed, by all the Americans waving American flags.

Frederick was in the swimming pool when they arrived home.
It didn't take Frederick long to convince him to get in, too. We were all just glad he was wearing a swimsuit.
Frederick gets ready for serious "Gonna get yous." The exercise must have been good for both of them as they both slept in very late today (indeed Grandpa is still asleep as I write this--Simon went to check earlier to make sure he was, in fact, breathing).

Probed by aliens!

It was horrible! They covered me with electrodes and locked me in this little room! Fortunately I'd hidden my camera (don't ask me where) and was able to document the atrocities.

Stoic that I am, I put on a brave face.