Sunday, June 19, 2011

Faces only a mother (and father) could love

Some time ago (May 13th) Simon posted a little film about our industrious though messy Blue Jay (the Western Blue Jay, native to these parts which are real bullies, not the little fat ones as seen in all Disney movies) couple who made a home above our security light just outside our backdoor. We did not see much of them for a while and Thomas became anxious, alternatively worried that they were dead and that they had moved away. Then, the other day, Simon noticed these faces looking out at him when he came home from work.
There is a third one, too, but he (or she--it's hard to tell at this stage) is tucked at the back of the nest right now. I don't think they are THAT ugly (click on the picture twice to see them close up)...but they do look a bit peevish, and they certainly keep both their parents busy, as both are flying back and forth, all day long with treats to eat for their little peepers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think I'd be nervous if I saw one coming for me!
