Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chloe's Birthday Party

The day after school got out, Frederick got an invitation to a birthday party from classmate Chloe. Emily was off at a wedding in North Carolina, so we couldn't verify whether or not she would be willing to throw herself on this grenade, so we would only say, "Well, maybe," when Frederick would ask about it. (Which he was NOT happy about.) As the days went by, Frederick became birthday obsessed--singing "Happy Birthday To You" as he went through the day, talking about going to Target to buy birthday presents for a certain "birthday girl," casually mentioning "blowing out candles," and several times a day he would bring up birthday cake. FINALLY Emily returned and we asked if she would be able to take him to the party-YES! Frederick practically leapt out of his skin, he was so excited. He made Chloe this card the day before. Here he is in the Target parking lot, just after buying presents, getting set to go to the party.
Just making sure the presents are still in the bag. They are.
Frederick really is excited to be there, just not sure about smiling for a camera. Chloe is thrilled to pieces to see Frederick--she practically squeezed the blood out of his arm. (Every day she drew a picture for him in class and gave it to him to take home--we have a stack inches high.)
As I said, Chloe likes to draw.
Chloe has a bounce house which Frederick LOVED! Here she is tickling Frederick, which he also likes.
There is Derek, another classmate (notice Valley School t-shirt just to prove it).
Chloe opening one of Frederick's presents. This one is a set of glittery stickers, musical instrument themed. I'm not too sure how much she liked them but he thought they were just the greatest thing ever. He also got her a little mermaid with bright green hair, which (according to Emily) she really flipped over, so that was a success.
As you can see from the pictures above, Chloe is just SLIGHTLY smaller than Frederick, so all the toys are on a SLIGHTLY smaller scale, yet he seemed to enjoy them nonetheless. Here he is in a Lilliputian house.
Frederick and Emily left for Target to pick out presents around 10 and arrived back home around 3 with Frederick looking absolutely spent. Emily said they got to the party around 11 and he partied heartily until just after 2:30 when the cake came out but, since it wasn't gluten free and he couldn't have any (and that didn't go down well with him), they had to leave. I had sent along snacks but they were no substitute for a cake with icing and all the works. Next time I'll have to send along a little GF cake with a candle but even with that, it will be hard. Aside from that one set back, the party was a success. Frederick and Chloe are firm friends and I am sure they'll have good times in school next year together.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks wonderfully happy.
