Monday, May 30, 2011

How high's the water, mama?

(For those who are unaware, the title is a reference to a Johnny Cash song.)

Here's the water at a park near Ann Arbor that Frederick and I have stopped off at the past couple of trips to music (according to a man we bumped into, he's never seen it up over the walkway before):

And here's the water on Dort, making it impossible to get on the freeway near our house:

The above photo was taken today and results from a flash flood we got last night. Here's the tornado alert siren going off:

Maybe it truly is the end times. But thanks to some inspired dirt-heaping around the house by Jami (at which, I must confess, I scoffed inwardly), nary a drop has entered the basement since the flood a week or so ago. So miracles in the end times too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The weather is Michigan is getting as "interesting" as it is over here!
