Monday, May 30, 2011

Another Blogger in the Family

Thomas is still in school for another week yet he's already bored. ("I'm BORED!!!"" was repeated over and over and OVER this last weekend. Given that both Simon and I will be teaching NON-STOP for the rest of our lives, things are only going to get worse.) We went through our usual litany, "Do your home work." No dice. "Practice an instrument." Later. "Clean your room." No answer. "Write a story/Paint a picture/Draw something." Indistinct groans. Finally, we suggested that he make a blog. For whatever reason, that seemed to spark an interest. He writes brilliantly funny vocabularly sentences all year long so I hope, if he does stick with this during this long and painfully boring summer, that side shows up. Here it is:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome. I'll keep watching.
