Sunday, September 12, 2010

Getting wood

Yes, it's that time of the year again. Actually, it isn't. We haven't turned the heating on at all yet, and it's a beautiful balmy late-summer-ish day. But this time we were actually ahead of the game and ordered wood. Seven whole cords of it! And no, I still don't know what a cord is, so all this time these people could be totally ripping me off. Here's the first half (they came in two loads of three-and-a-half cords):

Here's me working through the second load of three and a half cords (they couldn't back the truck all the way up the drive):

And here's the finished storehouse of warmth, stacked two deep:

Bring it on, Winter!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome! That's a lot of wood.
