Sunday, September 19, 2010

Didn't There Used to be an Air Conditioner There?

Yesterday it was pouring with rain. I was sitting in the living room (relaxing--that decision to indulge in a few minutes of selfishness is probably what set this train of events into motion) when I heard a heavy splat of water hit the living room window screen that faces out onto our driveway. This not unusual noise is typically caused by water gushing from the window air conditioner unit in Frederick's room when Simon empties it so that it will run more quietly. But Simon was not at home--so what could have caused it? Seconds later, I saw the air conditioner that WAS in Frederick's window fly down past the living room window and then, a scant second later, heard a distinctive "thunk." I jumped up to look out the water-spattered window and, yes indeed, there was now a very smashed air conditioner scattered across our driveway. I ran upstairs and there was Frederick standing in his room, looking very sheepish, with no air conditioner in his window (though the window was very neatly closed). Here is his window, sans air conditioner:Because the nights have been cooler I had mentioned earlier that day that we could remove the unit from Thomas' bedroom window and put it into storage--Thomas likes his room much warmer than Frederick does and hasn't had the air conditioner in his room on at night in about a month. But Frederick sleeps better if his room is icy, and we don't typically remove his unit until well into October--did he overhear our conversation about Thomas' air conditioner and take matters into his own hands? We'll never know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, it was an initiative.

PS - as you may have gathered, we've been away ing the sun. Mmmmm!
