Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sunday in the park (and it isn't For Mar!)

A few weeks ago Simon insisted that we spend EVERY SUNDAY together AS A FAMILY going some place and doing some thing. All three of us objected as energetically as we could (I claimed I would rather clean the house than spend 5 hours in the car with those three) but he would not budge. We were packed off to For Mar (as documented earlier) and, aside from Frederick getting heat-sick, we had a great time. Last Sunday we went to Lansing Zoo (and no doors fell on Frederick) and it was another success. This weekend, Thomas and Frederick were actually looking forward to going somewhere. We were toying with the idea of going to the local Petroglyphs State Park, but we haven't been there yet and since it was only about 40 degrees F and looked like it could rain/sleet, we decided to put off that adventure until the weather got better. So we headed to Five Finger Park (or whatever it is called). Simon, as usual, packed for a 5 day journey with two giant bowls of popcorn, two grocery bags of fruit, several thermoses of waters and juices, and two bags of baked potato chips. Most of the food was gone before I had gotten on the freeway, and I hadn't eaten any! (Nor had the kids, it must be said.) When we got to the park, Simon had more plans: a long walk in the woods. But Frederick insisted on a walk skirting the woods that went along the lake and ended at the the climbing frames and swings. Frederick leads the way:
Thomas happy and laughing?!? Impossible.
Frederick is almost always happy--a sunny little so-and-so.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...and the sun was shining!