Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter again and more...

Frederick tolerates being photographed at every turn. I love his eyelashes.
Here he is with his eggs with clues in them. He loved racing through the house, collecting the eggs, reading the clues that led him to the next clue egg.
 Clue #4 in the mailbox. (Note the start of another beautiful sunny day. But this idyllic weather would not last...)
Monday night, about 4 a.m., we were hit with one of those Spring thunder storms that you can't believe can happen until you see (and hear and feel) it for yourself. The thunder and lightening explosions hit about every 4 or 5 minutes, spaced widely just enough to let you slip back into a restful sleep so you would be scared wide awake when the next round struck. Amazingly, Frederick slept through it. The next day, the roads around campus were 6 inches under water; I am still surprised my car didn't stall. Here is the backyard, around 10 in the morning. The rain has let up, but it has not really stopped since and it is expected to continue to rain through tomorrow, too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well - if it's going to rain........!