Sunday, January 31, 2010

One of Those Weekends...

It's late Sunday night and it is a relief to have this weekend almost over. It was unbelieveably cold--around 4 degrees F this morning--so we are stuck in the house and reaching our limits with one another. Frederick has been acting like he is trying to climb out of his skin for several days now (new teeth? someone sneak soy into something he ate? or gluten? what is it?) and we are all going 'round the bend. The highlight was when Frederick was in his bath and I heard dripping in the kitchen. Yes, just as I suspected. The ceiling was leaking again which can only mean one thing: Frederick spent his bath time pouring buckets of bath water onto the floor and it leaked between the old tiles, into the floor, and through the kitchen ceiling drywall. This is now the THIRD TIME I have stood watching water pour from a ceiling.
Not to be outdone, about 30 minutes ago Thomas came flying out of his room like a bat out of hell declaring that he no longer wished to live! Why? Because his computer froze and he lost all his roller coaster tycoon data. ("Oh, God! Why does this ALWAYS happen to me?" he lamented. The Lord truly does work in mysterious ways.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The trouble with living in "interesting times". I hope it warms up soon.