Sunday, January 10, 2010

Arctic Blast!

The weather forecast for this weekend was "a warming trend" but we haven't seen a sign of that yet--yesterday it was 18F (with a "feels like" temperature of 8F) and today it is 22F (with a "feels like temperature of 12F). Perhaps warming from 18 F to 24F was what they meant? I was hoping for something more like 50F or maybe even 66F. And, since I forgot to "winterize" our backyard, we are seeing signs of the damage that has been done.As usual, I put off bringing in the fish from the pond. There are (were?) 12 in there. This heater keeps a tiny window unfrozen to let out the noxious fumes. I hope some survive the winter, but I am not confident that any will.
I put some cheapie ornaments on the tree outside our front window and now it is too cold to take them down.
Thomas's illuminated yard penguin has had a serious accident. We all feel bad about it as we sit by the cozy fire and look at it through the livingroom window, but no one can be bothered to go outside and fix it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

O the joy of seasons!
