Thursday, June 18, 2009

My new favourite place in Flint

Is the Dort Mall.  It's a practically empty Mall on Dort Avenue, which is the sleaziest main street in Flint (it has all the strip joints and tattoo parlours as well as every junk food you could imagine, a lot of "storage" places and a lot of abandoned buildings).  This is why I've never been there.  But having heard rumours, and because Frederick and I had time to kill, I stopped, parked in the massive, empty parking lot, and we went inside.  It was like entering a parallel world.  Here are some blurry cellphone photos.

Apparently the person who owns it is an eccentric millionaire who collects various memorabilia and stores it in this place. It's like being in a giant old museum with no rhyme or reason or placards or other people. It's crying out to be the setting for a horror film...