Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Art Show

The FIA art show reception was today. As blogged earlier, the theme (for adults) was The Figure. Alongside the grownups show was a display of work done by kids taking classes in the last year. Here is Thomas identifying his thrown bowl, which he named "Ocean Bowl." He is chewing an oreo and not doing a good job of hiding that fact.I was looking at other stuff when I turned around and saw him doing this. This kid can't be taken anywhere! (Uncivilized behavior seems to run in the family because it wasn't too many years ago that Simon and Frederick were "asked" to leave the museum. Frederick was patting the paintings and, it seems, museum guards don't approve of that--much better to stare mindlessly at art than to enthusiatically embrace it.) Fortunately this is mine and so I could intercede if anyone objected. (Perhaps I should have stipulated that hugging the thing is required?)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They look very good together.
