Sunday, May 17, 2009

Here is what Jami has been up to:

I think I mentioned that I took a hand building clay class this past semester to get away from work for a few hours a week. I worked on two things--a coil rolled thing and a slab structure. Here at last is the glazed and mosaic-ed black tuber (a working title). I photographed it as I see all the graduation photos being taken in parks around town. If only I could have draped it against a tree. It was a real booger to mosaic as the opening is very small--too small for my hand to fit in--and the surface was very uneven (for the same reason--too small for me to get in there and smoothe it off before firing). I didn't have a plan for picking which tesserae to use but went with what worked at the time. Bryce thinks it is "cool" so I guess it must be somewhat successful.
Here is the sleepy house. I wanted a gray flecked glaze, but this is what there was. Thomas likes it brown and he has better color sense than I, so I will trust his judgment. For the most part I am pleased, though I was sad to see that the window above the door cracked from drying unevenly. I should have wrapped each window opening with plastic until the seams were dry. Well, considering there are twelve windows and a door I got lucky that only one cracked and that it was small enough to not interfere with the structural shape. I would like to make a whole village of such houses. Simon thinks all should be radically different in color. As usual, I'm not sure what colors they should be. And now the really important question: What do I do with these things?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Make more and have an exhibition? Great to see them finished.
