Monday, May 11, 2009

Frederick's Birthday--He's 6!!!

It was warm and sunny all week and Thomas, Simon and I spent hours Friday night (after Frederick was in bed) blowing up balloons and filling the yard with birthday cheer--and then it bucketed rain and the temps dropped to the mid-50s. It was a dreary day, but I think Frederick enjoyed it anyway. Here he is opening presents from Grandma:
Here is the super cake that Simon made--gluten and soy free and actually rather tasty! For reasons no one is quite clear on (including Simon) rather than put 6 candles on the cake, Simon positioned the nine candles into a 6. As you can see, Frederick is quite skeptical that this is the right cake he should be getting.
Post cake (with plenty of frosting to go around) and wearing his nifty birthday button, Frederick surveys the present selection.
Simon urges F to select the OVER 600!!! STICKER BOOK!!! Thomas moans, "Hey--not fair! They didn't have that book when I was that age!" Thomas did offer to do all the stickers for Frederick, though, since 600 stickers is obviously too much for a mere 6 year old to handle.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad he had a lovely day. I've put it in my diary now.
