Friday, December 26, 2008

More On Christmas...

After fussing about this game for the last several months, Thomas finally got the DS game of his dreams. He's been playing it continuously since, barely remembering to eat. (We DO insist that he brush his teeth occasionally so he had to learn to do that while playing the game.)
Here Frederick opens a stuffie of The Count. He hasn't watched a Sesame Street in a VERY LONG TIME but, this was always his favorite character and, for the first time ever, it's now available in stuffed form so we just had to get it for him. And he is very pleased with it. (Why does this picture make his sweatshirt look so grubby? I am sure it didn't look that bad that morning.)
I think Simon likes his gifts.
Here is the livingroom a few minutes after the present opening frenzy subsided. And now we are enjoying that pleasant post-Christmas, dozy period when all the presents are still littered about, being looked at and enjoyed by all. We won't get around to putting them away for several days so for now it still feels like Christmas.

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