Friday, December 26, 2008


The days right before Christmas were bitterly cold. This is the day time high temp on December 23rd. That evening we were treated to howling, groaning winds--not the sort of weather that inspires anyone to go for brisk walks or to go cross country skiing, as Simon swore he would do before the holidays were over.
Here is the 1 up sweater finished. It was NOT fun to do and, as you can see, I made it extra long so that it will last Thomas a few years. I don't know how many people in the world will have any idea what this is about, but Thomas is pleased with it and that is all that matters.
Here is Granny enjoying her birthday on December 24th. She seems to have gotten a lot of knitting stuff. I can't imagine why.
And here is the Christmas tree just before the present opening frenzy began. Frederick woke up around 6 but wasn't too interested in getting out of bed, so we stalled him for a while. Thomas woke up around 7 and we threatened to cancel Christmas if he got up before 8--and it worked!

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