Sunday, August 10, 2008


A package arrived for me on Wednesday containing a miraculous device. I say miraculous, because it appears to need no batteries and works equally well under normal circumstances or underwater. And, indeed, with or without headphones! If I have any complaint it might be the rather narrow range of music available, but this is a small quibble. Can anyone truly tire of "Pop Goes the Weasel"? Certainly not THIS listener:

I must relate, though, that after expressing disappointment that Matthew did not actually construct every component (music box innards, headphones, the lot) from their component atoms, Thomas went very quiet for a while and said (after about 20 Pop Goes the Weasels) "do you think Matthew would make me a Thomaspod?"


Unknown said...

And what tune would Thomas choose?


Matt said...

Hi simon, glad you liked it. I set it to shuffle but it always starts with the same tune.
Love from all the limeys x