Friday, May 9, 2008

Frederick is FIVE TODAY!!!!

Today was a perfect Spring day--sunny, clear, breezy and just the right temperature. Frederick spent the day doing all his favorite things--morning with daddy, afternoon with Emily (including a trip to a park with very tall slides which Frederick fearlessly slides down ALL BY HIMSELF) and then, as if the day couldn't get any better, a birthday party just for him! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Frederick! Happy Birthday to you! (And many more!) Here Frederick appreciates his beautifully decorated (chocolate) cake.

Thomas oversees Frederick opening the present he gave him which was, surprise, surprise, a Pokemon figurine! (But isn't that the sort of thing Thomas loves more than life itself?)

And here, at last, are the beloved Ferby colored pencils (thank you, Granny), the absolute best writing utensils for those of us who prefer to press really, really hard when we write and color. Frederick's artistry skills have really taken off these past few weeks. We go through markers, crayons and colored pencils at an astonishing rate. These little gems arrived just in time.

After present opening, and playing outside in the sandbox with bucket and shovels as well as really cool light saber-shaped bubble wands, Frederick collapsed on the couch. All in all, a very nice day.

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