Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Cartooning Class

Every Tuesday from 4:30 until 6, Thomas heads to the Flint Institute of Arts to attend his Cartooning 101 course. So far the teacher has explained the 10 Essential Features of a super hero (the superhero Thomas invented is called 2-D Guy "Because I'm not very good at drawing in 3-D."), the 5 Essential Features of a Super Villain (which Thomas won't explain to either Simon or me because "it's personal") and the basics of "paneling a story" (which is "You know, writing a story in panels.") Why didn't such cool things exist when I was a kid? I'd say that this is yet another example of youth being wasted on the young, except that Thomas really enjoys these classes and takes the Cartooning Theory very seriously.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! This looks brilliant - but is it replacing Lego?
