Saturday, November 24, 2007


The first snow of the year, on Thanksgiving day. Thomas relates that, as he lay in bed that morning, he mused that this year would be the first Thanksgiving day without snow. And lo and behold--it had snowed in the night! Here we are traipsing to grandma's house for the Big Feast. Thomas led the parade on the three wheeler with the vegetable torte, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce in the bike basket. I followed with beverages and Frederick followed, choosing to carry nothing. I had hoped to take several pictures of everyone but after this picture of Frederick, the batteries died. You'll just have to take my word for it that the food and company was excellent.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The snow looks so CLEAN!

All we have is rain and grey (with occasional flashes of sunshine).

Glad that your Thanksgiving was a good and white one.
