Thursday, November 1, 2007


Here they are, modeling the constumes I made. Frederick's Thing 2 costume was easy to make--the hat I knitted looked really good on him but, not too surprisingly, he wouldn't keep it on for long. Making Thomas's C3PO costume, on the other hand, was HELL ON EARTH. Never again will I agree to anything so difficult. The pieces weren't difficult to create--they are pieces of cardboard spray painted gold, but cutting them to fit his body, linking them together and then making sure that he could move, see and not be in too much pain was just about impossible. The head piece was quite ingenious, if I say so myself, as I got two cardboard pieces wet, molded them to a mannequin head (which I just happened to have lying about, as one does), painted it with white glue so that it would dry shiny and stiff, and then, once it was dry, cut the eye and mouth holes to fit. The head was hinged to divide the front and back and I held the two pieces together with buttons (gold, of course) and bits of elastic. So, for all you who crave your own custom made android mask, now you know. But be warned, Thomas says that wearing them causes ear pain. Never mind that only five people guessed that Thomas was dressed as C3Po--one guy guessed a cyberman, another a tin man (?) and three thought he was R2D2 (!?!). In the bottom picture, Simon sports the scariest costume of all--the fully employed parent of two suffering from sleep deprivation for over four years. Everyone guessed his costume.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome Halloween - what stunningly creative parents. Of course the father's disguise is the most startling!
