Thursday, October 12, 2023

Grandma came and went

Tuesday Grandma took a tumble and ended up in the hospital. It turns out she broke her pelvis and a vertebrae. Then, the next day, they released her and she showed up on our doorstep needing a place to stay while she recovered. Foolishly we agree and attempted to care for her by converting our diningroom into a hospital room.
And of course, Annie had to come, too. Annie is staying up in Thomas's room. She's getting a LITTLE less nervous, and comes out of hiding whenever Simon goes in to work at his computer. Martha and Sylvester are very interested in her very nice, clean litter box and delicious food that they aren't allowed to eat.

Here is the sleeping set up--completely inadequate for someone with a broken pelvis we soon discovered.
So here is Grandma getting toted back to McLaren because this house is not a hospital--and it was a good thing she went, too, as not long after arriving they discovered she had a massive blood clot in her leg. What next!?!

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