Wednesday, September 6, 2023

My Tuesday and Thursday life

I teach in room 2246 in the law school which, according to this sign, is a seminar room:
Here is the inside of the classroom. At the time I took this photo, my students were not yet in the classroom but they could have been as there are so few of them, they could easily have tucked themselves into a corner and you wouldn't see them. If there is a flu epidemic I fear the whole class will disintegrate and I will be the only one in the room.
Here is the bane of my existence, the swipe access card thing. As you can see, it is old, crappy, and barely held together with duct tape. It seems others have mastered the knack of getting it to work, but I still haven't. I am determined to do so and practice before 5 pm. If I get in the elevator and swipe the card and it works, then I can press the (3) button and get taken to the 3rd floor.

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