Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Taking Nancy's advice, part 1

So, recently I had some physical therapy for my back, and one of the physical therapists, Nancy, told me about some leisurely hiking trails near where she lived (off Dixie Highway on the way to Holly Rec.). So today, I thought I'd investigate. Here's the first trail, which is literally right next door to her house. Sadly... ...the path turned out to be seriously flooded, and we didn't have boots. So we set off to try the other trail. As you can tell, this one was by a Security Credit Union, which we've watched being built over the past few years as it's right next to I-75. One presumes part of the deal of the local authorities okaying it was that they provide nice trails. They're okay - tarmac, at least, for our flimsy footwear.

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