Sunday, August 8, 2021

Not Quite Thomas's 23rd Birthday

We (Simon, me and Frederick) are going to be up north on his Big Day and Thomas will be at the dentist, so we decided to have a mini-Birthday today. Here Thomas can be seen holding a birthday card painted by Frederick--Thomas approved of it.
After a light lunch (plant based burger--the latest rage with dairy free cheese (!!) and various vegetables (many provided by our LETTUCE GROW--should I mention again that we have two Lettuce Grows??) we headed to grandma's house. Ostensibly Thomas was going to buy her car from her for $1 ("I'll buy THAT for a dollar!" he quipped on the way) but he was going to have to work harder than that as my mom had MANY electronics that needed hooking up/rewiring so she could watch her tv and print up her weekly Amazon return receipts.) Thomas was a good sport about it (oh yeah, we also had to move a giant window air conditioner from the livingroom to the bedroom because it is so noisy she can't hear any music or tv shows when it runs and lately the weather is hot, Hot, HOT!!!) and set to work. On our way out, Thomas noticed this piano in the rec room on the first floor and couldn't stop himself from playing the piano. It attracted old ladies from her room--something like a scene from a geriatric zombie movie--who were interested in finding out who was playing. One old lady was very excited to see a youngster and asked if Thomas would stay and give her lessons. This proposition made Thomas anxious and he bolted from the room.
While Thomas played the piano, I wandered around the room checking out the provisions. There was lots of free produce that had been donated by VGs (local wonderful grocery store)--I took handfuls of red and yellow peppers but not the pinto beans. There was also a LOT of tubs of ice cream in the fridge freeze (left that there was a size that said that was for residents having birthdays only) and also "red hots" as they are called:
Well, I thought it was a nice birthday party...(AND Thomas got a big bagful of chocolates that came from Oliver T's. Oh, to be 23 and able to eat armloads of chocolates again....

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